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Achiever Business Brokers


The Recipient promises to the discloser in this Agreement, to keep all Confidential Information provided by the Vendor or Associates strictly confidential and acknowledges the potential damage to the Vendor and the Business of breach of confidentiality agreement.

I/We, the person/s named above, acknowledge that I/we are a prospective buyer of a business listed by Achiever Real Estate and Business Brokers and agree as follows:

  • I/We agree NOT TO CONTACT the sellers or any of their employees at any time without the consent of Achiever Real Estate and Business Brokers. All activities such as inspections, communications, negotiations and offers regarding the business must be made through Achiever Real Estate and Business Brokers.
  • Agree that all inspections of the business are to be by an appointment approved and organised through Achiever Real Estate and Business Brokers only.
  • All information supplied is my/our responsibility to verify and confirm. I/we agree not to hold Achiever Real Estate and Business Brokers or its salespersons responsible for its accuracy, liability or loss suffered by me/us in relation to the information contained in any Business Profile / Business Advertisement / information Memorandum.
  • Agree that the Business Profile / Business Financials /Information Memorandum supplied are confidential information and only can discuss with professional advisors (legal, accounting or financial advisors and bankers) who have agreed to the confidentiality undertaking referred to herein.
  • I/We understand that Achiever Real Estate and Business Brokers does NOT investigate the truth, or accuracy of any information supplied, or conduct a due diligence process in relation to it, or make any professional or other judgement about the materials supplied by any seller.
  • I/We agree to respect the privacy of the seller and agree to return all confidential information and related notes and copies upon request by the vendor if I/we do not proceed with the purchase.
  • I/We makes undertaking in favour of Achiever Real Estate and Business Brokers and the Vendor and further acknowledges that in the event of I/We purchasing the said business, whether as an individual, company or partnership privately, through another agent or any other source, agree to compensate Achiever Real Estate and Business Brokers for any damages and loss of commission
  • I/We acknowledges that acting agent Achiever Real Estate and Business Brokers will not be held responsible for any inaccuracies or incomplete information regards: Lease details, Weekly Average Takings, Trial Takings, Purchases, Rental Expenses, Employees, Wages etc. Such information is subject to the purchaser receiving a Statement by the Vendor of a Small Business and a Copy of the Lease document.

The recipient hereby acknowledges that they have read and agreed to this Confidentiality Agreement.

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